Rawdon VE Day 75

Published: 28 April 2020

Stay at Home Street Party on 8th May 2020 - Decorate your houses in red, white and blue

11:00 - National Two Minutes of Silence
Stand at your door to remember the 75 Million lives lost in WW2

14:45 - Churchill's Speech on BBC1

15:00 - The Nations Toast to the Heroes of WW2
"To those who gave so much, we thank you"
Stand at your door and raise a glass and applaud afterwards

15:05 - The Loan Piper Playing "Battle's O'er" and "VE Day 75 Years"
Sing along afterwards with your neighbours to "We'll meet again"

15:15 - Stay at Home Street Party 
Celebrate the end of WW2 in Eurpoe in your homes and gardens
Please take lots of pictures and share them on social media

21:00 - The Queen addresses the nation
Followed by the Royal British Legion Sing Along to "We'll meet again"

Please: maintain social distancing at all times