Location: Trinity Church, RawdonTime: Tuesday and Fridays mornings, 09:30-11:30
Toys and activities for babies and toddlers. Singing time. Tea, coffee, juice and biscuits. All parents and carers of pre-school children welcome!
Location: Rawdon Community LibraryTime: Thursday mornings, 11:15-11:45
Free entry. Babies, toddlers and children of all ages are welcome.
Location: Westfield annexe of Yeadon Westfield Infant SchoolTime: Thursdays, 10:30-12:00 (term-time)
If you're pregnant or have a baby, come along to meet new people for mutual support and information on breastfeeding and childcare. Contact us by calling 01943 874925 (extension 5) or 01943 874100
Location: Grove Methodist Church, Horsforth and Tumble Town, Guiseley
Classes for babies and toddlers.Details on the rhythm time website.
Location: Warm Lane, off Apperley Lane, YeadonWeb: www.thebarnemsleys.co.uk
Location: Horsforth Town StreetWeb: www.tinytoesplaycentre.co.uk
Location: Horsforth New Road SideWeb: www.kids-clubhouse.net
Location: Unit Two, South View Business Park, GuiseleyWeb: www.tumbletownadventureplay.co.uk