75th Anniversary of VE Day
Published: 17 April 2020
May 8th 2020 is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.
Rawdon Parish Council had planned a spectacular Street Party in Micklefield Park to celebrate, but that has had to be postponed until we win the current battle the country is facing. WW2 ended on 2nd September and we hope to have an event close to then.
That doesn’t mean we can’t mark the day though and our challenge is to turn Rawdon Red White and Blue to commemorate the victory and the peace it would herald.
It will also be our chance to say THANK YOU to all those who fought in WW2 and to remember those who gave their lives.
What can you and your household do on Friday 8th May?
- We would like our younger residents to create VE Day themed posters and Union Jacks to display in their windows.
- We would like residents to decorate their homes in the colours of red, white and blue. If you have flags and bunting you can display that would be even better.
- At 3.00pm please open your windows and stand in your doorways to sing Vera Lynn’s war-time anthem “We’ll Meet Again.” echoing the Queens message to the nation.
The Neighbourhood Network “Aireborough Voluntary Services to the Elderly” - AVSED members will also be leading the singing on-line. We are sure during our present challenging times you will want to join us in celebrating such a key element of our national historical heritage. Please share your posts of your VE Day decorated homes, garden party style picnics and doorstep singalongs to this site.
Let’s put Rawdon firmly on the map of our national VE Day celebrations, taking the opportunity our full respect for all our residents who served in World War 2. Other areas like Guiseley and Horsorth are also planning to do the same.
Thank you in advance for your wonderful support....we can do this together!